Category: business

  • Experience Sales Letter Alchemy: ChatGPT & NAMSToolkit’s Winning Formula

    Experience Sales Letter Alchemy: ChatGPT & NAMSToolkit’s Winning Formula

    Discover the Ultimate Duo that Will Transform Your Business and Ignite Your Sales Like Never Before! We’re all well-acquainted with the incredible power of ChatGPT, but what if I told you there’s a perfect partner waiting to take your sales game to the next level? Introducing NAMS Sales Toolkit – the ultimate companion that will […]

  • Memory – Remembering Names

    Memory – Remembering Names

    How good are you at remembering names? I have to admit I am rubbish at it BUT there is a reason. The great thing is that it is easy to rectify – my mate, the hypnotherapist Adam Eason tells me so. It is courteous to remember names. It is good manners and it shows that […]

  • Endless Affiliate Profits – Affiliate Marketing Checklists

    Endless Affiliate Profits – Affiliate Marketing Checklists

    This Endless Affiliate Profits Post Is Urgent I have had on my task list all week ‘WRITE BLOG POST’ and this morning it had moved into my MUST DO TODAY CATEGORY!!! Luckily this blog post can be short because all of the details are on the page I will be sending you to. If you […]

  • Retirement or Part Time Online Income – Maybe For You?

    Retirement or Part Time Online Income – Maybe For You?

    [et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.48″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.74″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] This Online Income Secret Plan I have been working all this year to put together my Hypnosis For Streaming package with a simple online income plan for affiliates.  The real SECRET is to read this page and take ACTION.  Any […]

  • Ultimate Blog Challenge

    Ultimate Blog Challenge

    An E-Mail I Opened Was All About The Ultimate Blog Challenge. I may not have read this message a couple of days ago when I was swamped to overflowing with e-mails.  It was down to my new filtering that this was noticed.  It was from one of my Favs! What about you – how good […]

  • Hypnosis For Download – Self-Hypnosis Audios and Videos

    Hypnosis For Download – Self-Hypnosis Audios and Videos

    New Hypnosis For Download Online Store My son Tom has been working hard to set up our new Hypnosis For Download online store.  I am delighted for so many reasons.  I am sure you can feel my smile as you read these words  🙂 We have been using an Big Commerce and Ecommerce service to […]

  • Imperfect Action is Better Than Perfect Inaction!!!

    Imperfect Action is Better Than Perfect Inaction!!!

    “Keith –  I like imperfect. Every time someone exercises imperfect, it gives  ‘permission’ to others to do the same. Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” I had that really great message back from a lovely lady – Sarah – who is on our mailing list.   How right she is. Yesterday I sent out an […]

  • Talented Experts And NAMS – Gift And Trial

    Talented Experts And NAMS – Gift And Trial

    Talented Experts To Help You Succeed It is vital to surround yourself with great talented experts to succeed.   There’s a strong statement – and I mean it. I have worked for years with Adam (hypno-geek) Eason – who is a talent and a leader in his field of clinical hypnotherapy. On the marketing side […]

  • Hypnotic Affiliates

    Hypnotic Affiliates

    Hypnotic Affiliates – that is what I am after.  Yes – maybe you! A few years ago, I began to sell other peoples products online.  In fact I used to spend about 1 hour a day doing all the bits you have to do – and I made a great part time income. Some affiliates […]

  • Self-Hypnosis – Affiliate Action Mindset

    Self-Hypnosis – Affiliate Action Mindset

    Affiliate Action Mindset for 2017 – Self-Hypnosis products for therapeutic gain referral program. Action Mindset – There it is – a new year resolution. A new direction – which needs different thinking! Do you know what I am doing? I am creating my action mindset when starting a large venture – (more of that below)  […]

  • Nepotism – 16 Year Old Lad With Great Eye For Image

    Nepotism – 16 Year Old Lad With Great Eye For Image

    There have been plenty of press this week about Brooklyn Beckham (BB – that was Brigitte Bardot’s famous initials in my youth).  He is sixteen years old and has been hired by Burberry as photographer of their latest fragrance range.  Sixteen – he should be the tea boy on the staff. Some pretty top class […]

  • Is It Google Or Me That Is Going Mad?

    Frustrating time filling in Google registration form for gmail – where was the good user experience we are always being lectured about by Google?

  • Why Does Aweber Take So Much Notice Of Complaints?

    I like Aweber but they do exasperate me with their subservient approach to Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail etc when considering feedback from e-mail complaints. Here is just one example of why it is silly to take any notice at all of the stats showing the complaints level accurately. This is just one of several that I could have used as examples.

  • Is Valentine’s Day All About Love?

    Yes, of course it is! Love of card sales. And actually, sales of almost anything else you can imagine! Try booking a table for two in a popular restaurant, especially if Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday, a Saturday or, like this year, a Sunday. You can find special Valentine screenings of Love Story or […]

  • McAfee Siteadvisor – Help – Is This Legal?

    McAfee’s behaviour is the online equivalent of Tesco or Asda standing in front of a corner shop with placards saying “Don’t shop here -the food is contaminated” Is it legal?

  • Kevin Hogan And The Crass Behaviour Of The Sheraton Belgravia

    By proxy I feel I know Kevin Hogan.  I have never met him or spoken to him – but my business partner Adam Eason speaks with great affection about him.  Kevin, an American  international motivational speaker was over here in London this last weekend.  Today I received his regular Coffee Time Newsletter and here is […]

  • Freefall Financial Drama On The Money Says Keith Watson

    I watched a great financial drama on BBC2 last night – “Freefall”. Today my usual Google Alerts came in for my name ‘Keith Watson’ and lo an behold another Keith Watson had written a review of the programme which I think is absolutely spot on – and so – over to another Keith Watson: Metrolife […]

  • You Should Read More Of Your E-Mails And This Is Why….

    I wonder how many times my long suffering wife has heard me say “Why can’t they just read?”  I am convinced that information overload is the biggest obstacle to communications. Take this as an example:  I am heavily involved with the marketing of Adam Eason’s products online.  He is a hypnotherapist who produces Self-Hypnosis MP3s.  […]

  • Lloyds Bank And ClickBank Dilemmas I Need Help

    I am writing this blog post to give me time clarify my thoughts as to how to respond to my latest on-line dilemma. Computers were designed to make our life easier and as for the Internet well the ultimate communication tool surely. Well yes that would probably be true if a whole new layer of complexity hadn’t entered our lives. Why do I lurch endlessly from one on-line frustration to another. I am positive you will identify with the two problems I am currently grappling with and have stories of your own to relate. Let me start with my immediate concern….

  • Boy Am I Glad Ed Dale Came Along

    Let me tell you about Ed Dale, an Australian (guess he can’t help that) web thingy doer person. He and his team specialise in teaching web newbies how to make money on-line. About a year ago I was a newcomer to a social media service called Twitter and feeling my way around and frankly not […]