OK I am going to tackle head on (no pun intended) a subject that most people don’t have a chat about every day. Male impotence (erectile dysfunction).
The reason is that I have just received a message saying how much Adam Eason’s hypnosis product “Your Brain In Your Underwear” for erectile dysfunction had changed his life. When I asked whether he would be prepared to share this as a testimonial – he said “Oh no – I would be too embarrassed” And this is the problem. It is difficult to get men to talk about these experiences and the solutions they have found that work.
or erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve or
sustain an erection that’s hard enough or lasts long enough to complete
sexual activity.
It affects at
least one in ten men, which means there are about 2.3 million men
affected in the UK alone so goodness knows how many worldwide.
This is a major thing and yet men in their usual way are reluctant to talk about it.
Many men suffer for years without seeking
treatment. This may be because they’re too embarrassed to seek help or
they’re unaware that there are treatments available.
men will experience an occasional failure to get an erection and that is nothing to worry about. This can
usually be put down to stress, tiredness, anxiety or too much alcohol. The problem is that men do worry about it and the fear of failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Here is an article that I wrote some time ago about my experience of this. I am old enough and mature enough not to be embarrassed about revealing this now. I even know that my 19 year old daughter Zoe sometimes reads my blog so this is bound to bring a smile to her face if she should chance across this – she may well be embarrassed. I see a dinner party topic coming on!
Well here goes:
Going Limp In Bed Was All In The Mind!
by Keith Watson
recently picked up my newly prescribed blood pressure tablets from the
pharmacy (yes I’ve reached that age!!) and read the accompanying
leaflet. I usually ignore this information as the listing of possible
(occasional) side effects is enough to put you off taking anything that
the doctor prescribes, or taking him seriously ever again. As I read
through the long list of terrifying possible consequences of taking the
little white pills he had ordered for me this time – there was one
possible outcome that caught my attention.
“Hey Darling, we’ll
have to watch out for this one!” I blurted to Babs – my wife “it says
here that a possible side effect is sexual impotence”
My manly pride and ego was not dented by the reply “Well I can’t see YOU having trouble in THAT department”
is strange but that one comment prompted a flashback to a time in my
youthful days when I did go through a problem in THAT department. If
ever there was a time that – if I had known then what I know now – I
would have dealt with the problem in a totally different way.
What I now know is a fair bit about the power of the mind.
work as a web designer first brought me into contact with a clinical
hypnotherapist Adam Eason. I can’t attribute the original quote to him
but one thing in particular that Adam said resonated with me. “If you
think you can’t, you are right, you can’t”
really are what we think. More importantly our subconscious mind learns
everything from our conscious thoughts and believes them to be what we
Take my youthful introduction and exploits in the bedroom
as a classic example of the truth of all this. I must point out this
was pre Babs.
Without getting embarrassingly graphic I would be
out all evening with my partner of the time and all the normal hormonal
reactions would be present all evening – but get to the undressing and
into bed stage and everything would stop working – except my mind which
kept saying to myself – I knew this would happen. AND OF COURSE I WAS RIGHT – IT DID HAPPEN. My subconscious mind had delivered what I kept telling it to deliver.
used to go to some pretty desperate measures to overcome this rapid
onset impotence by pretending to want to go to the loo so that I could
get myself into a ready state. Then I would scuttle quickly back to the
bed before limpness set in again.
At the time I thought I was
the only one that had this problem. But who do you talk to about
temporary impotence when you are 20 years old?
To fast forward,
the problem didn’t last long as I was fortunate enough to meet a girl
who sorted out the issue once and for all in a sensitive and caring
The fact is that most men suffer from temporary impotence at some stage in their life.
is not easy to write such a personal account about your own
psychological impotence problem but this is a very common issue for
many men and I know that there is a simple solution.
If I HAD –
known then what I know now – I would have definitely turned to clinical
self-hypnosis for a solution. Self-hypnosis allows you to teach your
subconscious mind new beliefs about yourself – to rid you of the
conflict within your head.
So I think I will just keep taking the tablets, and if anything untoward does happen well I know where I will seek a solution.
For more information about this topic go to see Adam Eason’s “Your Brain In Your Underwear” –
There is often a physical cause for more frequent impotence but even if there is there is usually a psychological element involved.
whose impotence is due to a physical cause often find they gradually
lose the ability to have an erection, and it tends to happen with all
sexual activities. These physical causes may include such things as:
diabetes, poor circulation, hypertension, kidney disorders, multiple sclerosis or other neurological diseases,high cholesterol, heavy smoking, drug side effects, alcoholism.
The likelihood is that if you have any of the above you will be attending the doctor with other symptoms and not necessarily reveal to the doctor any information about your impotenc
Then there are those whose impotence is psychological
you experience a sudden onset of impotence and can still achieve
erections in some circumstances but not in others, the cause may be
psychological and this can be caused by:
stress and anxiety, relationship problems, worry, depression, sexual boredom, performance anxiety and unresolved sexual orientation.
the triggering factor can be easily identified, such as an argument or
major disagreement with your partner. Or it might involve being
interrupted while making love or excessive worry about areas such as
work, family life or finances.
What you should do about impotence
important to remember that over the past few years there have been
major advances in the treatment of impotence and the majority of
sufferers can now be treated effectively.
Discuss the problem
with your partner – as they may unintentionally be putting pressure on you to
“perform”. Discussing the problem with them may relieve this pressure
and enable you to have an erection again.
Look at your
lifestyle. Are you a heavy smoker? Do you drink a lot of alcohol? Do
you suffer from stress and anxiety? Cutting down on your alcohol intake
or giving up smoking could make all the difference. Try to reduce
stress and anxiety by finding ways to relax.
If you think there is a physical cause please go and see your doctor. I worked for many years as a nurse and I can tell you that medical staff have heard, seen and done it all before.
If the physical cause is any of the above then you should be receiving treatment regardless of the impotence side of the equation.
There are many physical treatments ranging from Sex Therapy together with your partner, to tablets such as Viagra, Uprima and Cialis, to Urethral injections, pumps and even surgical treatment.
If the cause of your impotence is physical I would still recommend Adam’s hypnosis sessions in “Your Brain In Your Underwear” as there is bound to be some underlying anxieties which will not help your performance if you have had bad experiences.
Most of the physical solutions eg Viagra will not help with sexual desire side of things – it is not an aphrodisiac. Hypnosis will help you to get in the right relaxed frame of mood when sexual desire will most effectively thrive.
I do hope that my frankness about my experience will encourage others to come forward and give testimonial to the things that work for them. I firmly believe that hypnosis offers a great deal of hope for men with this problem. I haven’t had to use hypnosis myself to overcome the problem but I sure would like to hear from those who have. Check out “Your Brain In Your Underwear” and let me know.
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