Self-Hypnosis Streaming for 2018
About this time of year I would usually be putting out adverts in our Hypnosis For Download ecommerce store for ‘Think Yourself Thin’ or ‘Stop Smoking Now’.
But NOT this year – 2018 is different.
On offer are loads of products – in fact – well over 200.
Furthermore you will get products such as ‘The Science Of Self-Hypnosis’ and ‘Hypnosis Revealed’ which are great for educating you all about how to use self-hypnosis effectively.
The ‘Science of Self-Hypnosis’ product is an online support for this book …
Hypnosis Myths
There are so many misconceptions about hypnosis because of the theatrical hypnosis stage acts. People get the impression (and it is often magnified by the performers presentation manner and words) that the hypnotist is controlling the audience participants. This is totally not the case.
That is a tragedy as far as I am concerned as I know the therapeutic use of hypnosis is powerful and effective when delivered correctly – and the user is totally in control – AFTER ALL it is SELF-HYPNOSIS therefore it has to be SELF CONTROL.
I wouldn’t be the slightest bit interested if that wasn’t the case. I am a church going christian and some of the people I meet at church have the same question about the control of someone else. I am going to shout again – NO IT IS NOT!!
Being in Hypnosis is Like…
When sportsmen are preparing to compete – they get in the zone (that is the closest analogy I can give) When the kids are up stairs watching TV and you call them to dinner – they are mesmerised by what is going on – they are hypnotised – and that is why they don’t hear you. Hypnosis is focused imagination. A layman’s explanation I know as I am not a hypnotherapist.
In the picture above you will see the sub title of the book – ‘The Evidence Based Way To Hypnotise Yourself’. That is a much better message. In the book there are a range of methods, for anyone to apply to achieve
- a hypnotic mindset,
- develop hypnotic skills,
- induce self-hypnosis,
- deepen the experience of hypnosis,
- apply a range of evidence based techniques and strategies for self-improvement.
Now the online ‘Science Of Self-Hypnosis’ takes all of the book content and provides audio recordings of the techniques.
In the educational part of the Hypnosis For Streaming I have made sure that the training comes first as it is ideal to have the best approach for the hypnosis sessions to work effectively.
Membership Area
So at the top of the membership area there are 4 educational products.
The membership has over 200 self-hypnosis products – some of them being fully narrated programmes. I know because it has taken me well over 100 hours in December to add them to the ‘Hypnosis For Streaming’ membership site. If you want to see all of the products you will have access to as a member – just look through They will all be in there.
[box type=”warning”] About half of the products are in there at the moment – the aim is to get them all in there by the end of February.[/box]
Here is the good bit.
Members Can Become Affiliates
I have been trying for some time to get affiliates on board to help promote the products. In many ways it is difficult for affiliates to promote very small priced hypnosis sessions. So I wanted to overcome that problem.
Also it is also vitally important that affiliates know as much as possible about the product they are selling.
So let me be honest – I had to think about this one.
I was lucky as I joined a website (which I will tell you more about another day) and I liked their structure and the strategies used there. I liked it so much that I have nicked their ideas.
- I am only letting people who are members become affiliates – because they will know about the product and will be able to give testimonials etc.
- There is an incentive for the affiliates to do something – this is more important than I thought.
- Just getting two new members will mean that the affiliate will cover his/her own membership cost and have free access.
- After that the affiliate will earn monthly commissions on referred members.
So would you like to join me?
It is only $10 a month to join – and you will get access to skills that can help you — AND — access to a private affiliate package offering 50% commissions on members you refer. The same rules apply to those members as well.
[box type=”warning”]
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