Memory remembering names

Memory – Remembering Names

How good are you at remembering names?

I have to admit I am rubbish at it BUT there is a reason.

The great thing is that it is easy to rectify – my mate, the hypnotherapist Adam Eason tells me so.

It is courteous to remember names. It is good manners and it shows that they are important enough for you to remember who they are.

So why I am so bad at such an important thing?

If I look at the rest of my memory it is good.

I can remember the details of physics that I learned at school.  I am also learning new material all the time in the web development field.  AND it is on board.

The reason they are there is that I was engaged and wanted to remember them.

The classic key ingredient is attention and awareness.

I am not attentive enough when I meet people.

Simple Process -Be More Attentive When Meeting People

The main reason why someone forgets another person’s name, is  because they weren’t paying attention when they were introduced,

They have failed to file information in a memorable enough way to store it in their long term memory bank.

Remedy:  When you meet someone new, repeat their name back to them. If you can do it without feeling embarrassed ask how they spell it. Use the name, again, as soon as you can repeat it once more. especially when you say goodbye to that person.

Outcome: Get good at this and their name will be stored permanently in your memories database.

Losing Possessions

I actually have overcome this problem by follow this advice I got.

Here comes attention again as the problem.

People lose personal items such as their keys, spectacles or pen, because they weren’t paying attention when they put them down.

Cure: Create a special place to create items you’ve misplaced regularly. Make it a logical place, and visualize it every time you come in to and go out of your home and office.

Even if you didn’t take your keys out with you. check to make sure they are still there.

Another Name Issue

It took me several years getting roung to the Netflix drama “Breaking Bad” but during the last three months I got completely into the series.

How many episodes are there?   Well over 50.

Last weekend I was telling a friend about the series and he asked who starred in it.


Frankly I hadn’t a clue.

That shocked me!!

I wanted to say Walter White, Jesse Pinkman and Skyler White.

I have since found out that they were Bryan Cranston,  Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn

Even Though I Am In My Seventies I Can Be More Attentive To The Back Story

Blogging offers some solutions here.

In this blog challenge I have written about a few celebrities and sportsman.

I have not done that in the past as my blogs were personal stories..

However writing about celebrities and sportsmen means I have to learn more about the individuals that are in the story.

Yesterday it was Simone Bisley and her special bronze peformance.   Doing my research for the blog had the interest, attention and awareness to not only know the name in future, but also a memory dump of interesting data.

Audios In Hypnosis For Download

In my Hypnosis For Download online store there are a couple of Memory Improvement and Enhancement audio products recorded by Hypnotherapist Adam Eason.

Memory Enhancement

Memory Improvement System






3 responses to “Memory – Remembering Names”

  1. Dan Avatar

    Useful information of a too familiar situation that I have succumbed to. I especially liked visualizing where Zi put my keys & glasses.

  2. Nancy Loeffler Avatar

    Great suggestions! Thanks for sharing. I’ve used the name repeating tip so I have a better chance of remembering someone’s name.

  3. Watson K Avatar

    It is funny Dan. I a spray called GTN which is a precaution for if I get chest pain. I have never had to use it thank goodness. Now I have about six of these spray tubes and I couldn’t believe it. I was going out this morning and I couldn’t find any of these 6 GTN spray tubes. So I have another item that I need to have a good natural location for.

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