My Hypnosis Introduction With a Professional Hypnotherapist
My introduction to hypnosis was accidental. It was 2004 when I met Adam at the BNI business network meetings.
When you set yourself up to develop websites for clients one of the fascinating things is that you learn a lot about different businesses. How do they work? What makes them tick?
So that was the case with Adam Eason and his clinical hypnotherapy business.
I developed a website for Adam who was working out of a clinic near Bournemouth. To say I knew nothing then about hypnosis is a fact. Nothing that is about clinical hypnosis. Hmmm – But I had in the past seen stage acts – but that was all.
But here in front of me was a guy who was very passionate about his subject.
I was intrigued and wanted to discover more.
AND as far as I was concerned that was good …
Adam was training hypnotherapists and what we decided to do was to video the courses and also develop audio hypnosis products. Front pew for me with the video camera.
How could I fail to learn all about hypnosis – when I was shooting the recordings and editing them.
In addition I also got to know other people who trained with Adam and are now themselves trained hypnotherapists. Some of those have developed specialist areas – such as hypno-birthing.
When Hypnosis Works – The Seed Takes Roots
What is a common story from people who have moved into the field is that they had an issue that was driving them insane – all attempts to find a solution had failed.
Adam himself is an example of that. All his attempts with medical consultations and ointment treatments for his psoriasis had failed. Someone suggested hypnosis and do I need to say – within a couple of weeks all had cleared up.
Here is a blog where audios of Adam telling you in his words his basic narration about hypnosis and what it is.
All his work is research based and you can pursue that as far as you like with Adam as he has written a book called Science Of Self-Hypnosis. Also his blog and podcasts are full of his professional approach to all of these psychological therapies. You can even go and train in the field with him via his online courses.
AND NOW – Just Give It A Go And Learn Hypnosis Skills
OK – that all said – I am going to take a totally different approach right here with my retirement Wats-on My Mind project.
I am getting away from the academic theories and discussions about what hypnosis is etc.
I just so want you if you are sceptical about all of this power of the brain – to just give it a go and learn hypnosis skills. You can learn more about the theory at a later stage. I am keen that you go for a ride first.
Here on my blog you will get my:
simple real anecdotes approachmy end user approachmy simple language approachmy if it works that is great approachso what this good – approach.
For example: If you ask me what hypnosis is – a typical reply from me would be – focused imagination.
The interesting thing is that people who try and get some release from a problem will want more.
A Freelance Artist Uses Hypnosis For Sleep AND !!!
This blog post which is well researched is by a freelance writer. You can find the complete blog post at:
I love the title of this blog post written by Sarah BanI Tried Hypnosis for Insomnia. Then My Skin Cleared Up. – I don’t understand it, either, but I’m not complaining.
How often have I seen and heard that?
So many people who have used hypnosis will say the same thing. “I don’t know how it worked – but it did.”
Surprise Yourself…
You are probably not a car mechanic or understand how it works but that doesn’t stop you driving a car.
In a similar way – you don’t have to fully understand how or why hypnosis works – just give it a proper try and surprise yourself.
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