Gut Feeling – and what changes it has made!
Gut feeling – is it an intuition or reacting to fears – that is what I wondered when I made a really important decision earlier this year.
The personal change I suddenly envisaged was enormous and the whole thing started in a pub in York. It had started – just like that My wife Babs and I were having a meal and conversation when I suddenly announced that I wanted to start a new business.
Now there are a few things that were strange about the changes I was making.
- I was one of the directors in a business
- I am hitting my 70th this year
- There were other people affected by the decision
- Why a retirement business?
- My son was working for us – and he would be affected – what about him?
- There were many things that I did not know about leaving a business
- etc etc
Where had that come from? I had no idea but it was explosive, expansive and made me feel good. You may ask or think – well he was in a pub – was it the beer that was affecting me? NO – it just suddenly was there. Gut GUT Feeling!!
What does go on in our minds – ask Adam Eason my hypnotherapist friend. [ Actually I should have asked him ]
Having made that intuitive decision though is an amazing catalyst for what happens afterwards. You are free to set a new path – WHICH fits in with the life that you love and your ongoing dreams and wishes.
Here for example are my current ambitions.
- Not retire completely – but do something I really love
- Earn money – but in a more relaxed way – passive income an ideal
- Help other people also
- I want to travel and work – motorhome enthusiast
- Help and support my kids and their families
- Keep total life balance
- Help charities and church missions – there is so much poverty and need out there.
The thing is that when running a business with anyone else there are areas of that work you love and others that well … [ I will let you fill in the gap here]
New path – clear ambitions -freedom – what a great and enabling feeling
That is when things start to happen – the timeline is interesting.
One thing leads to another and the positive mindset is in tune.
There is a very popular quote that totally sums this up.
How all of this is happening – AND – what next
I will write about most of the following list over the next few days – just a headline here but I hope you will keep an eye on my blog if you are wanting to learn more about developing an online business ( there is a clue to what I am up to. You can watch me develop a totally new business from scratch – no list – no blog posts yet. I will
Within the business that I ran with Adam Eason we had an online shop of self-hypnosis products. I now have the freedom to develop this bit of the business separately. The audios and videos sell very well and are evergreen. What I had always wanted to send more time on was developing the sales with the help of affiliates. [more about passive income businesses in a future blog]
There is no doubt that affiliates when well trained, (building lists, getting traffic etc) can make a lot of money online – selling other peoples products. I didn’t want to do the training myself – but I wanted a great training area. I also wanted to learn more about how to grow my affiliate business. [Next great move – NAMS – Novice to Advanced Marketing System ]
This is the training area that I have discovered AND Oh what a discovery!! A few words are not going to help you much. I want you to get a lot more than that and I want to send you a ’11 Questions Report’ report – SEE BELOW
If you have a hobby interest or skill (you will hear the marketers call this a niche) you can bet your bottom dollar that there are people out there who would like some of your knowledge. Online is a great way to deliver that knowledge.
You can sell other peoples products who offer the niche material that you love. Frankly there are choices galore.
Anyway the simple thing is that it is up to YOU.
Down below I am offering you a download of a pdf about businesses online. Just ask for a copy and I will happily send you this free PDF.
Of course there are other consequences when you take a new path.
For example:
I am now an Insider member of NAMS and I get to meet other members who are developing their skills. We all can communicate within an inside private Facebook group. Only yesterday I was getting direct help from a NAMS insider called Kat Sturtz who lives in US. Her marketing knowledge is top notch and I appreciate her insight. (Kat’s Website:
Kat made me laugh at the end of our conversation when her Kentucky upbringing was evident. She asked me to ‘Holler if I have any further quesions’. Holler was a word I had only heard in movies. Isn’t it great when people can work together so closely with such ease – no matter where you live.
Within NAMS I have undertaken some of their monthly challenges.
My first project is the affiliate marketing or the hypnosis products – but I have also decided to set up another project based around a niche blog. It is all about my love of travelling in my motorhome. [More about that another day]
What surprised me was the age of the members of NAMS. Middle aged and above on the whole (a shame as I think many young people could certainly benefit and prosper from this resource of internet marketing training materials)
Anyway the long shot is that I am going to particularly market towards people of my age and invite them to join NAMS as an Insider. It will give me great satisfaction if I can help others grasp what they can do for themselves with an online business. [Again more another day]
Just take a look back at my dreams and goals. In a very short time – without hardly thinking they are all central to what I am doing. Next on this page is an invite. If you are wanting to learn how to earn some money online – don’t just think about it. Make a decision. The way you are going to do it need not matter right away – just know that you want to ‘Create Your Future’.
If you have an expansive feeling just thinking about this it might be a gut feeling – and you can see what that has done for me.
Get this FREE report at: 11 Qestions
You will find links to take a look at NAMS. Will I see you there?
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