Affiliates Know Your Product

Affiliates- Know Your Product

I want to repeat that ‘Affiliates Know Your Product’  AND I have a story to tell to illustrate this.

The reason I am writing this blog is because I had an e-mail (from somebody I know quite well – but I will keep his identity secret)  He was replying to a message I had sent out about our new affiliate programme for a Hypnosis For Streaming membership website.

Here is the message I received.

Message from Mr X
Could I just clarify my understanding of your email? It seems to be that you are now moving to a model where you charge people to be affiliates? Have I read correctly? If I have understood correctly, I’m out and I would be grateful for an early reply so i can remove my current links. It would be a shame as I know and like Adam’s products but (again, if I have understood correctly) I think it is absolutely wrong to charge people for being an affiliate.


Oh dear – as a marketer I had totally failed to get across my message AND the value I was offering.  Furthermore I was losing somebody who was the very best person to promote the membership – somebody who already has a lot of knowledge about self-hypnosis.

Let me make it clear – there is no charge for being an affiliate.  The charge is for the membership area to get to know more about what they are promoting..

Affiliates are the people I want to send money to.

For some time I have been wanting to bring affiliates in to promote our online audios and videos.  In fact early last year I set up an affiliate programme and my main focus then was to try to get hypnotherapists on board as I knew that they would relate to the products.  However – the results were poor.  I got over 100 affiliates but only a small number made any money.

What was worse is that I checked and the majority of affiliates had not actually even bought anything from the Hypnosis for Download store.

They did not know the products they were promoting!! 


Word cloud


You can actually see the issue  when you look at this word cloud.

The point you will quickly appreciate when you are an affiliate is that you a promoting a product with a lot of help for a large range of issues.  Getting inside the membership area you will soon see that the needs of different members will vary.

No two members will use the contents in the same way.

How could individual affiliates promote specific products as the individual needs varied.

How could I offer the products in a different way so that individuals could find the right combination of audio hypnosis sessions to suit their needs?

Yes I had questions about all of these things.


So I joined an Internet Marketing website to learn more about how to attract affiliates AND help them make money.

[box type=”shadow”] To find out more about NAMS Internet Marketing you get the products on the right hand side of this blog.[/box]

I learned something very quickly.  This marketing membership was full of content – some that interested me and some that didn’t.  A library of content for me to select what I wanted AND I had access to it all.

[box type=”shadow”]It is a bit like one of those TV memberships such as Netflix, who have 1000s of films etc which you join just to get what you want.[/box]


NAMS had an affiliate programme only available for members.

So what did I do?  It was great and really wanted to promote the membership – and I still do.

I used my affiliate link and got some members on board so that my 47$ USD monthly fee was covered. – AND of course why should that stop there.

What a great model.  I wanted to promote the membership because I was a member and I KNOW THE PRODUCT.

This is THE KEY

The individual components were varied and I would find it hard to pick on specific content.

NO NEED – I could promote the NAMS membership which I knew would contain marketing training in so many specific areas.

So This has Become My New Approach.

My objectives:

  1. Set up Hypnosis For Streaming Membership
  2. Exclusive Affiliate For the Membership Website
  3. Further training to make money


  • Membership Secure password controlled personal access website
  • Amazing value – all of the products on available
  • Massive programmes – such as ‘Science of Self-Hypnosis’ and ’21 Days of Self-Hypnosis’ and ‘Hypnosis For Running’ all available.
  • Well over 250 hypnosis sessions available.
  • Total personal choice of what to use.
  • No embarrassment purchasing specific self-hypnosis sessions eg Overcoming Addictions or Sexual issues
  • More products being added monthly
  • Monthly 10$ USD  which means affiliates will get 5$ USD each month for each member they refer.
  • You will know your product and will be able to talk about in blogs, promote with confidence, and have success getting new members


  • An affiliate link will be available for all members
  • An affiliate will be earning enough to cover membership after 2 members referred
  • Will be able to promote individual items at
  • The affiliate programme will not be available outside the membership area
  • Affiliates will have access to any session when writing blogs etc.
  • 50% Commission when starting
  • Commissions rise to 70% when you have over 10 referred members.
  • There will be promotional offers available – such as:
  • give affiliates links so that they can offer a weeks free access


  • There is great training out there at NAMS who have a similar model
  • Membership can be free at NAMS with just two members on board.
  • So much more to tell you about another day.

What About Mr X

Well I hope the above will help Mr X understand what I am trying to do.  Of course I will be writing to him personally.  Mr X has trained with Adam so he does know the products quite well.

What I hope Mr X hopefully will also realise the same as me – is that Marketing is not easy.  You have to get over your message clearly or there will be misconceptions.

Promoting the Membership

It is the membership and how it works as a teaching center and a library of self-hypnosis content.  I want to get members on board who will see the value and will then be able to point out – that whatever your behaviours, addictions, phobias etc that there are skills to be learned self-hypnosis sessions that will help.

I just don’t want Affiliates wasting their time signing up to promote products and take no action. No use to them and none for me – LOSE – LOSE

However – there is no need to become an affiliate and what we have on offer is a good reason to belong – FULL STOP.

I hope for quite the opposite.

I want people to join as members and quickly realise that the contents could be used by people with mental health issues through to people wanting success in running, business etc.  It is enthused members that will be able to refer others with a simple affiliate link.   Two members on board and their membership cost is covered.  After that the income – ongoing because it is recurring income.

There is no charge for the affiliate programme – the payment is for the huge content areas.  I want affiliates to realise and point out the value.  I am trying to give affiliates the tools they need.  The knowledge of subject and to be able to promote with confidence as they know the product is good.  Each referral you make who becomes a member is a  WIN for you and a WIN for me.

Know Your Product and you will want others to join with all of the same advantages as you have.  You will also be able to use the listing above of benefits for you to promote the same offer to your list.

This is the time of year to do something for yourself and to set your income targets.

Why not join this membership and promote the membership as an affiliate?


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