£20 Million Brilliant – £100 Brilliant – Macca Mills Sickening

What a crazy world! 

It is Sunday as I write and I have just returned from Church – so I have a serious one today.

It has been Sport Relief weekend here in the UK.  £20 million was raised from ordinary folk giving generously to help all sorts of charities.  I had a lump in my throat as I watched some of the graphic demonstrations of utter poverty of so many people in this our world.   We were shown, for example, how just £40 would help one child in Africa get education for a year – a life changing event – just £40

Anyway £20 million raised – BRILLIANT

One donation apparently was for £5 million – BRILLIANT

On Saturday my wife Barbara went on a sponsored midnight walk for a local hospice and raised £100 from nurse colleagues at work – BRILLIANT

On the other hand:

This is sad – Paul MacCartney – a hero of my teenage years has been squabbling about money for months with his ex-wife Heather Mills.  Now I know that Paul has been involved with giving to charity over the years BUT – when celebrities bicker over money settlements with at least 6 noughts on the end I feel that humanity has totally lost the plot. –

Reported to be a £25 million pound settlement – SICKENING

When Paul was a lad in Liverpool – his eyes would have probably lit up with glee if he got a new bike.  Now what a difference.  How sad that now he has £825 million – he will spend untold amounts just on legal costs to hoard even more.  Think how many kids in Africa could be educated with just the – down the drain – legal costs.

These are just two individuals on this planet who couldn’t even spend all the money they are tearing each other apart over. 

Won’t someone please bang their heads together – handcuff them to chairs – make them watch continuously some harrowing videos of real poverty lived out daily by other inhabitants of this same world.  Will we ever make poverty history while such greed exists.


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