moving on

This Time Next Year Will I Have My NEW Motorhome…

AND Will You Be With Me Earning an Affiliate Income

Physical and Mental Health – does helping yourself OR other people excite you?

If the answer is YES my next question is – will you read my blogs this month?

What I am trying to do in my blog challenge month is to build up some relationships because I want to meet others that may want to join me over the next year. [Stop getting ahead of yourself Keith]

There is so much I could tell you about the past but that does not move things on.

The Current Situation

Here is where I am right now.

I have two things that are important and fundamental to me getting my motorhome (see yesterday’s blog).

Hypnosis For Download Website

I have a website which is an online store. There are well over 200 products (audios and videos). The great thing is the products are evergreen. There are three hypnotherapists that have recorded these self-hypnosis sessions but there will be many more (see below)

The thing you will soon spot as you look around the store is that there are full programmes – “Hypnosis for Running” and educational products such as “Science of Self-Hypnosis”

They are digital versions of these two books written by the best clinical hypnotherapist I know Adam Eason.

My friend Adam Eason is the very best man to go to if you want to train as a hypnotherapist.

How do I know? I spent hundreds of hours videoing his courses

Hypnosis For Streaming Membership

Now we are talking – it took me months to set up – because there are thousands of files with thousands of links. [Ahh I have just failed – I said I wouldn’t talk about the past]

The Hypnosis For Streaming is now open and it will grow with new hypnotherapists and specialities.
For example, I don’t really care if there is more than one programme about say losing weight.
The hypnotherapists will have different scripts, different genders, accents and so on.
Great – I want to offer a variety [as long as they are qualified and the recordings are professional.]

What I really wanted to give was great valuable content at very affordable access. I don’t want all of this incredible knowledge and expertise from top hypnotherapists like Adam Eason to sit there unused.

The best way to describe this is that it is like Netflix or other streaming services.
You will have an account but obviously only need what you want.
That is the same for the Hypnosis for Streaming membership where you have access to everything and use what you want at that particular time.

So there we are – online store and hypnosis streaming are there.


Now I am thinking ahead and these are just bullet points really

The key to everything is getting members into the Hypnosis For Streaming Membership
I have already set things up so anybody can join the membership and suss it out for just £1 (approx $1.4)

Make a very, very special yearly offer to those trying out the membership (there you go another tip because you have read this far)

Get traffic blog running well with a form for list building – Link up all social media and video

The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to establish an affiliate programme offering 50% recurring commissions paid for new registered streaming membership.

Develop affiliate promotional material.

So this is third of my blogs seeking new internet relationships. Call me.






One response to “This Time Next Year Will I Have My NEW Motorhome…”

  1. Nancy Avatar

    Great idea for a membership site! Looking forward to checking it out further.

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