Love – Hate Relationship With Google!!

On my last post I was praising Google – now I am about to put the knife in.  Oh well such is life.

I really do wish that Google was more transparent about how they operate. 

My company has never bothered with any Black Hat methods or any subterfuge as far as getting traffic.  We have played strictly by the rules (that is as far as we know – but then again the rules aren’t that clear).   What I guess I am saying is that we don’t use any underhand approaches.

Recently we moved a large and successful website from one ISP to another and we are now using php instead of asp and it is built around WordPress.

As far as we know we did all the right things to inform the search engines and get the site re-indexed.  Sitemap etc.

Response – now if you put the name ‘Adam Eason’ into Google his website doesn’t appear on the first page.  How is that for getting relevant results to a search query.  And yet the home page of the newly opened site has a PR4.  Doesn’t make sense!

Result – drop of traffic from Google although direct links increasing.

I was discussing this with one of my team just now and he was expressing similar exasperation about one of his websites

He has a personal interest in this problem and has built a high quality content site which used to do well.  Again no hanky panky.  Just good solid information.  Suffered same fate recently when moving platforms.  Why?

If Google are serious about delivering relevant high quality responses then why are high quality sites losing out in this way.

It’s hard to know what we have done wrong:-
Is our new webhost Hostgator black listed by Google?
Are Google losing the plot?

Think I will spend more time Social Networking.






One response to “Love – Hate Relationship With Google!!”

  1. Gary Avatar

    This is incredibly frustrating as we have followed Google guidelines by submitting a Google SiteMap via the Webmaster Tools and optimised the robots.txt as well as implementing an informative 404 error page. The fact that Google seems to have completely ignored the revised sitemap and consequently dropped all serps is harsh to say the least.

    Come on Google get your act together!

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