Potential Affiliates – Please Listen to Jim.
Jim Rohn’s words will live on – and know wonder why? What a great speaker he was – and so much there to enjoy on YouTube.
This Monday morning I set about looking for some words of encouragement for some people I am keen to – lets say – kick in to ACTION
Yes let me say that another way…
This is a message that I am targeting at a small amount of people who I want to help. They will be invited to come and read this message – however this is for anyone that wants to change their life for the better.
I am focused these days on a retirement project which is all about making money from affiliate programmes. Over the years I have developed websites and set up marketing for many businesses – but always in the back of my mind I secretly wanted to concentrate on all this affiliate stuff. So I am starting a new chapter in my life – and I so want this all to fly – in fact try to stop me.
There are two strands –
The first – I have some audio products – (self-hypnosis MP3s recorded by Adam Eason) that I am wanting to recruit affiliates to promote and sell – my focus in this blog today
The second – is a project where I will be selling other people’s products as an affiliate. More about this one another day.
I have a small group at the moment of affiliates trying to sell the audios – but predictably most of them won’t succeed. Nothing will change for most of the affiliates I have on board – HOWEVER I am on the look out for the gems – the guys who will make a change to their lives – because they want it to happen – and who will find the best teacher.
I watched a YouTube video this morning of Jim Rohn speaking on one of this personal development events. NOW – to watch this video will take 10 minutes of your time – but WHAT a ten minutes. Jim sadly died in 2007 but his words and inspiration remains with us and I encourage potential entrepreneurs to collect and absorb the messages. It is all down to you.
So here it is. This 10 minute clip will say all I am wanting to say to this group. I hope it will get them going.
After watching that video I would like you to do one thing that is ‘EASY’
The thing that I am really keen for you to do is to get great training. The skills can be learned. I am inviting you to check out NAMS which will cost you $1 for 14 days. You can cancel before joining the membership and there are other options.
You can bet I will be watching for you joining the Insiders Club Mastermind today – and I will be in touch.
To join the affiliate programme selling Hypnotherapy Self-Hypnosis Audios on Hypnosisfordownload.com then sign up at:
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