Tag: nursing

  • Physical and Mental Health

    Physical and Mental Health

    Wats-on With Physical and Mental Health This website domain is  Wats-on.net  and the tag line is Physical and Mental Health.   My blog Wats-on my Mind is my retirement project to get as many people as possible using hypnosis and psychological techniques in their everyday lives. The extraordinary thing about our bodies is that so  much […]

  • Did My Nursing Career Train Me To Not Smell?

    It was with some interest that I read on the BBC website this morning about a ‘smell’ study. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-15770361 The sense of smell can be improved through training, a study on rats suggests. The study, published in Nature Neuroscience, also suggests if we do not use our sense of smell, we begin to lose it. […]