Tag: mind

  • No Pain Binocular Research Not A Surprise To Hypnotherapists

    Time and time again Hypnotherapists must be saying – “It’s not news to me”.  When will researchers latch onto the fact that using the natural power of the mind and imagination can really bring about physical changes?   When will researchers begin to take self-hypnosis seriously and give the therapy the attention it deserves?

  • Memories Of A Headteachers Daughter And Her Wiggly Bum

    Some years ago now in my profile on Ecademy (internet business networking site) I wrote this: EARLY YEARS Primary School, St Andrews, Halstead, Essex. Apologies to Jennifer (headmasters daughter) for sticking your plaits in the ink well so that it swung like a pendulum painting arcs on your shirt. Earls Colne Grammar School All boys […]

  • Changed My Mind – Meditation

    There is an interesting discussion to be found at http://iidb.infidels.org/vbb/showthread.php?t=239361 all about the differences between meditation, self-hypnosis and day dreaming. In this scientific age we have to experiment and prove that things work before the professionals will take things on board.  The monks of Kathmandu and 10 million westerners who meditate every day will sware […]