Tag: brain

  • Habits To Keep Thrills Alive All Your Life

    Why do the majority of people lose the joy of living that they displayed in our youth? Is there a reason that there are so many grumpy old men? Are the depressing lyrics of John Mellencamp’s song Jack and Diane a reality for most? – “Oh, life goes on, long after the thrill of living […]

  • How Little Relatively We Know About The Brain

    I seem to have had a week of listening to, watching or reading pretty highbrow stuff.  Not deliberately – just seemed to have happened that way.  Probably chaos theory at work. A friend lent me “A Brief History Of Time” just after Christmas so I decided it was about time (no pun intended) I read […]

  • Changed My Mind – Meditation

    There is an interesting discussion to be found at http://iidb.infidels.org/vbb/showthread.php?t=239361 all about the differences between meditation, self-hypnosis and day dreaming. In this scientific age we have to experiment and prove that things work before the professionals will take things on board.  The monks of Kathmandu and 10 million westerners who meditate every day will sware […]